North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA)

As of today, 21st March 2022, the Oil and Gas Authority has formally changed its name to the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA). This reflects a natural step in its evolving role in energy transition.

The NSTA will continue to play a vital role in ensuring energy security as the body which stewards the oil and gas industry, both on and offshore, with energy transition issues already playing a significant and increasing role in the organisation’s day-to-day activities. The role of oil and gas will reduce over the coming years, but they currently provide about 75% the UK’s energy needs and will remain an essential part of the energy mix for some time to come.

Specific NSTA workstreams include; monitoring industry greenhouse gas emissions in line with the North Sea Transition Deal, acting as the licensing authority for carbon storage, stewarding projects through development and supporting the government’s CCS deployment pathway, driving offshore energy integration to build closer links between oil and gas and renewables and reduce carbon emissions from oil and gas production.